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self portrait 70/30

Draw a self-portrait, initially looking at yourself in a mirror with in strong 1-source lighting (if possible) and then from a photo/selfie that you take. Draw 70% or your head by observation and 30% by something not so closely tied to what the camera sees. The 30% is more imagined or taken from elsewhere.  This may mean you draw yourself with wolf ears, or the top of your head opens for clouds to come out, or you have a spear through your eye, or a halo of strawberries, or you are covered in a kind of dark veil of lines or you are detailed in one part and violently scribbled in another..
You might find, though, that the line between imagined and observed is not actually that clear. If you look at the Basquiat portrait directly below, you might assume he is drawing from his imagination. But maybe he feels like that about the person he is drawing, maybe his mind is so turbulent that the world looks like that, maybe he is accurately drawing this person's emotions.. If you are sitting unshowered in your room in your pjs, but make a portrait that looks as fabulous then one by Marlene Thomas below is that observed or imagined? So I don't know where the line is. You will have to decide that yourselves. 
                            Jean-Michel Basquiat

Marlene Thomas

Nari Y.
Magical Self Portrait 
Pencil- mix media- 9x12 in

Self Portrait
Colored pencil on paper
12 x 9 in

Corona on my mind
Pencil on paper
9x12 inches

Self Portrait
Pencil on Watercolor Paper

Elven Self

Madelyn X Frida
Graphite on paper
12x9 in

35*30 cm
Negative head space  
Pencil, 12x9 

The butterfly. In a time of metamorphosis. The cheetah. Finding your truth north; honing in on what’s most important. The bat. Symbolic of endings and new beginnings; seeing through the darkest of time said. Water and earth. And me.
Self Portrait of Interbeing
Pencil, 9x12

Yang, Alina
"Self Portrait"
graphite on paper
9 x 12 in
