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Without darkness nothing comes to birth, as without light nothing flowers.

Here's a poem that struck me deeply today--and that I ended up very casually concluding a whole paper with because...I don't care anymore!!  >;)  In the spirit of graphic novel is Kali, for reference. The Invocation to Kali by May Sarton There are times when I think only of killing The voracious animal who is my perpetual shame, The violent one Whose raging demands Break down peace and shelter Like a peacock's scream. There are times when I think only of how to do away With this brute power That cannot be tamed. I am the cage where poetry Paces and roars. The beast Is the god. How murder the god? How live with the terrible god? The Kingdom of Kali Anguish is always there, lurking at night, Wakes us like a scourge, the creeping sweat As rage is remembered, self-inflicted blight. What is it in us we have not mastered yet? What Hell have we made of the subtle weaving Of nerve with br
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Madelyn's Notebook

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